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Travel Tips


Pack a Water Bottle

Peru is all about sustainability so make sure you do your part and bring a reusable water bottle! Trust me it's much needed. 


Practice your Spanish

 I learned Spanish in high school and found the app Duolingo helpful for brushing up on conversational phrases. Plus the immersion experience will speed up the proccess.


Dress Warm

While the weather isn't freezing cold, 65 degrees in Lima with a breeze is enough for sweater weather. Pack to layer so you're always comfortable!


Be Open

Be open to trying new things an experiencing the culture. Remember that we come from a Westernized culture and just because something is different doesn't mean its wrong or bad. 



While there are plenty of tourist spots in Lima, take some time to walk around Miraflores and Barranco. You may stumble upon a cute artisan shop or a cool restaurant.


Be Safe!

Make sure you're with a group of friends and that your belongings are safe and secure. I recommend carrying a bag to keep your items (especially your phone) close or keeping them in inner pocket when walking around.

Other small tips and packing essentials

  • Pack a basic first aid kit 

    • Tylenol, Ibuprofen​ - for sore muscles

    • Band aids- random cuts and blisters

    • Imodium- this came in really handy for anyone who had a stomach issue

  • Pack a pair of sneakers you don't care about

    • For field trips to the Amazon, Callao and Pampas your shoes are very likely to get muddy​

  • Make photocopies of your passport and credit cards

    • In case of any lost items you'll be able to have a copy with your information​

  • Bring some of your favorite snacks!

    • whenever you get randomly hungry or miss home having some favorite munchies always helps​

  • Don't exchange your money at the airport

    • You'll get pretty good rates at banks in Peru or in exchange companies in the States​

    • I recommend bringing a set amount of cash and exchanging money whenever you have to

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